70 polling places that had ballot printer issues on election day

PHOENIX — ABC15 has obtained a list of 70 polling places that had issues printing ballots on Election Day in Maricopa County.

These locations can be found all over the Valley, as well as in some other areas.

Locations had problems with the Ballot on Demand printers and not the tabulation machines.

Below is a map that shows all locations.

A spokesperson for the elections said that the issue was not with ink or the toner but the printer fuser.

ABC15 election officials sent an email to ABC15 stating that the printers had three profiles: one for the ballot and one for receipt. One profile was for the envelope. The ballot “media weight” setting was set to heavy, as recommended, and the receipt and envelope was not.”

Officials from Maricopa County have stated repeatedly that they have a backup plan in place for situations like this. This includes placing your ballots inside what’s called ‘Door 3’.

According to election officials, 17,000 ballots were submitted into what’s known as ‘Door 3’. Some of those ballots had printer issues. Other errors were also discovered in Door 3. We learned that voters used different pens or used checkmarks to mark candidates as opposed to filling out the ovals.

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