3D Daily Show #3: From Micro to Large Format 3D printing

In this third episode of our 3D Daily Show, produced in partnership with Velo3D, we’ll be browsing the show’s aisles in search of micro 3D printing solutions as well as large format 3D printers. In the last few decades, the technology has improved so much that it can meet multiple industrial needs regardless of the size. You can make parts not only on a micro level, but also large components that are needed for architecture and construction.

Massivit was our 3D Daily Show sponsor. Massivit is a company that develops solutions for large-format 3D printing. Massivit’s GDP (Gel Dispensing Printing) technology enables fast and cost-effective production of full-scale models and parts for a wide variety of markets. The company will display its new 10000-G 3D printer at Formnext 2222. Avi Cohen, VP Global Sales at Massivit, shares more information about this large-format solution as well as the many applications it can offer.

MX3D is a Dutch company which has developed a metal printing process that uses a robotic arm. This allows it to design large structures, especially in the construction sector – we remember the 3D printed bridge in the city of Amsterdam. Gijs van Der Velden, co-founder and CEO of MX3D, shared more information about their technology.

We end our 3D Daily Show by introducing Photosynthetic from the Netherlands. They have developed a 3D microprinting method based on resin. It can create parts up to 6mm3 per minute and in the micron range. Alexander Kostenko, the founder of the startup, shared more details!

What are your thoughts on micoprinting Are you interested in large format additive manufacturing? Let us know in a comment below or on our LinkedIn, FacebookAnd Twitter pages! Don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly Get the NewsletterGet the most recent news about 3D printing straight to your inbox All our videos can be found on our YouTube channel.

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